ST Hosting Manual

Our manual

TeamSpeak 3 Setup

Install TeamSpeak 3 Server

Dear clients,

with this questions and answers-entry we would like to give you the opportunity to automatically install and start a Teamspeak 3 Server.
Therefor we prepared a script which you can perform on your VPS. With this script your server will be automatically installed and started.

Note: Make sure the bzip2 and ca-certificates packages are installed.

1) Log in to your server via SSH and enter the following command in the main directory to create the executable file "" and edit it with a file editor, in this example we use "nano".



 Copy (STRG + C) the script below and paste it (STRG + V) into the file. (Note: you can customize the installation directory, the version to install, and the Linux user running Teamspeak in the script)

IMPORTANT: This script has only been tested on Debian and Ubuntu. On other systems, the script may not work.

#!/bin/bash ######################################### # Teamspeak 3 Server Installer # Version 3.12.1 # last Update 19.02.2020 # by ######################################### c=`tput setaf 6` w=`tput setaf 7` r=`tput setaf 1` y=`tput setaf 3` ### THOSE VARIABLES CAN BE CHANGED #TEAMSPEAK USERNAME user="teamspeak" #INSTALLATIONS-PFAD installdir="/home/$user/ts/" #TEAMSPEAK VERSION version="3.12.1" ############################################ x64="$version/teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64-$version.tar.bz2" x86="$version/teamspeak3-server_linux_x86-$version.tar.bz2" echo "This script installs Teamspeak Server version $ r [$ version] $ w completely automatically. The function is not guaranteed !$w" echo "$y[ ACHTUNG ] Um die Version anzupassen, bitte die Variablen im Script editieren!" if [ -e /etc/locale.gen ]; then echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Locales werden installiert" sed -i "s/^# de_DE/de_DE/" /etc/locale.gen >/dev/null grep -v "^#" /etc/locale.gen >/dev/null /usr/sbin/locale-gen >/dev/null update-locale LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 >/dev/null else echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Fehler beim konfigurieren von locales" fi if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' bzip2 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Installiere Abhängigkeit bzip2" apt-get update; apt-get install -y bzip2; fi if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' ca-certificates 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Installiere Abhängigkeit ca-certificates" apt-get update; apt-get install -y ca-certificates; fi ts3u=`cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep teamspeak` if [ "$ts3" = "teamspeak" ]; then echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Der User $ts3u existiert schon. Bitte den User im Script anpassen." exit else echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Erstelle Teamspeak-User..." useradd $user fi echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Die Installation beginnt automatisch in 5 Sekunden..." sleep 5 if [ -d "$installdir" ]; then echo "$r[ ERROR ]$w Das Verzeichnis $installdir existiert bereits. Breche ab!" exit else echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Das Verzeichnis $installdir existiert nicht. $installdir wird erstellt..." mkdir -p $installdir fi cd $installdir if [ $(uname -m) == 'x86_64' ]; then #64bit wget -q $x64 tar xfj teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64* echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Entferne gepacktes Archiv..." cd "teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64" mv * .. && cd .. && rm -rf teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64* && cd .. && chown -R $user:$user $installdir echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Der Teamspeak Server wird erstmalig gestartet..." cd $installdir touch .ts3server_license_accepted su -c "./ > ADMIN &" -s /bin/bash $user sleep 5 && ps aufwx | grep teamspeak | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Bitte den Token sowie Serveradmin-Login gut hinterlegen..." else #32bit wget -q $x86 tar xfj teamspeak3-server_linux_x86* echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Entferne gepacktes Archiv..." cd "teamspeak3-server_linux_x86" mv * .. && cd .. && rm -rf teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64* && cd .. && chown -R $user:$user $installdir echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Der Teamspeak Server wird erstmalig gestartet..." touch .ts3server_license_accepted cd $installdir su -c "./ > ADMIN &" -s /bin/bash $user sleep 5 && ps aufwx | grep teamspeak | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Bitte den Token sowie den Serveradmin-Login gut hinterlegen..." fi echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Soll Teamspeak in den Autostart installiert werden? [y/n]" read -n1 -p "" autostart case $autostart in y|Y) echo -e "\n$c[ INFO ]$w Der Startparameter wurde im Autostart hinterlegt." echo "su -c '$installdir/ start' -s /bin/bash $user" | tee --append /etc/rc.local > /dev/null ;; *) echo -e "\n$c[ INFO ]$w Der Startparameter wird$y nicht$w in den Autostart geschrieben." ;; esac echo "$c[ INFO ]$w Der Teamspeak Server wird nun automatisch gestartet..."



 Save the entry with CTRL + O and close the program "nano" with CTRL + X.


 Give the script the necessary rights to execute the script with the following command:

chmod +x


 Run the script to install your Teamspeak server. Enter the following command. (Note: During the installation, you can additionally select whether you want to write Teamspeak in the autostart) ./


 The script installs and starts your Teamspeak server. In addition, you will get the data of an administrator account and your token with which you can connect to the server in order to manage it.

The installation is now complete and you can reach the Teamspeak server via the IP of your VPS. The file "" can be removed.